Executive Office | ||||
Alejandro Rios | T-120 | Executive Director | x8-6092 | arios@asi.sfsu.edu |
Aloe Bell | C-134 | Executive Director Assistant | x8-1336 | aloebelleda@asi.sfsu.edu |
Christine Amador | M-106 | Assistant Executive Director of Governance | x8-2309 | christine@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-113D | Executive Assistant | x8-2324 | execassistant@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-103 | Head Assistant to VPs | x8-2321 | headvpassistant@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-103 | Assistants to VPs | x8-2321 | vpassistants@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-103 | Elections Commissioner | x8-2321 | electionscommissioner@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | C-134 | Administrative Assistant | x8-1044 | c134businessoffice@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | C-134 | Senior Office Assistant | x8-1044 | c134businessoffice@asi.sfsu.edu |
Business, Administration & Finance | ||||
Veronica Castillo | T-122 | Associate Executive Director | x8-2779 | veronica@asi.sfsu.edu |
Deysi Calles | C-138 | Accounts Receivable Manager | x8-7362 | deysi@asi.sfsu.edu |
Navika Jindal | C-138 | Accounts Payable Manager | x8-7362 | njindal@asi.sfsu.edu |
Muata Kenyatta | C-134 | Sr. Contracts Manager | muatak@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Amanda Curry | C-138 | Student Organization Coordinator | acurry@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Student Staff | C-138 | Systems Manager | x8-7362 | sm@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | C-138 | Sr. Accounting Assistant | x8-7362 | saa@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | C-138 | AP Student Assistant | x8-7362 | cca@asi.sfsu.edu |
Event Services | ||||
April Joy Rudnick | T-110 | Sr Dir of Event Services | x5-3408 | apriljoy@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-110 | Event Supervisor | x5-0723 | eventmanager@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-110 | Scheduling Assistant | x5-0723 | scheduling@asi.sfsu.edu |
IT | ||||
Student Staff | T-128 | IT Technician | x8-2615 | it@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-128 | IT Technician | x8-2615 | it@asi.sfsu.edu |
Technical Services | ||||
Jack Palacios | T-119 | AV Tech Manager | jpalacios@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Student Staff | T-128 | Student Technical Services Manager | x8-1518 | techmanagers@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-128 | Audio Visual Technicians | x8-1518 |
Operations | ||||
Mark Jaramilla | T-123 | Int. Asst. Exec. Dir. of Facilities and Operations | x8-2820 | markj@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | PL | Info. Center Manager | x8-7364 | infomanager@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | PL | Info Center | x8-7364 | info@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-122 | Office Administrator | x8-2730 | officeadmin_fm@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-119 | Building Manager | x8-1112 | buildingmanager@asi.sfsu.edu |
Human Resources | ||||
Jamila Ali | C-134 | Asst Exec Dir, HR | x8-6168 | jali@asi.sfsu.edu |
Jennilee Del Mundo | C-134 | HR Generalist | x8-6166 | jennilee@asi.sfsu.edu |
Jenny Ridley | C-134 | HR Coordinator | x5-7330 | jridley@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | C-134 | HR Assistant | xsibrian@asi.sfsu.edu |
Marketing & Communications | ||||
Lauren Hohls | M-106 | Interim Asst Exec Dir, Mktg & Comm | x8-3498 | laurenhohls@asi.sfsu.edu |
VACANT | M-106 | Sr. Creative Director | x8-2771 | |
Alyssa Reza | M-102 | Sr. Mgr. of Business Development | x8-2771 | areza@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Product Marketing Manager | x8-2771 | pmm@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Marketing Research Analyst | x8-2771 | research_marketing@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Executive Assistant | x8-2771 | officeadmin_marketing@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Graphic Designer | x8-2771 | graphicdesigner@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Project Manager | x8-2771 | projectmgr@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Web Designer | x8-2771 | webadmin@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-102 | Digital Content Specialist | x8-2771 | digicontent_marketing@asi.sfsu.edu |
Programs: General | ||||
Horace Montgomery | Asst. Exec. Dir. of Programs | x8-1310 | horacem@asi.sfsu.edu |
Culture & Social Justice | ||||
Shanice Robinson | T-141 | Sr. Director. of Culture & Social Justice | x5-0700 | shanice@asi.sfsu.edu |
Art Gallery | ||||
Student Staff | T-151 | Student Director | x8-2580 | artgallerydirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-151 | Student Assistant Director | x8-2580 | artgalleryad@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-151 | Assistant Outreach | x8-2580 | artgallery@asi.sfsu.edu |
Education & Referral Organization for Sexuality (EROS) | ||||
Student Staff | T-138 | Student Director | x8-2457 | erosdirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-138 | Student Assistant Director | x8-2457 | erosad@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-138 | Office Assistant | x8-2457 | eros@asi.sfsu.edu |
Queer Trans Resource Center (QTRC) | ||||
Student Staff | M-109 | Student Director | x8-2093 | qtrcdirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-109 | Student Assistant Director | x8-2093 | qtrcad@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-109 | Office Assistant | x8-2093 | qtrc@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-109 | Bipoc Coordinator | x8-2093 | |
Richard Oakes Multicultural Center (ROMC) | ||||
Student Staff | T-141 | Senior Office Assistant | x5-53418 | romcsoa@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-143 | ROMC Library Events Coordinator | x5-53418 | romclec@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-143 | ROMC Comm Events Coordinator | x5-53418 | romccec@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-143 | ROMC Senior Librarian | x5-53418 | romcla@asi.sfsu.edu |
Women's Center | ||||
Student Staff | T-116 | Student Director | x8-2486 | wcdirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-116 | Student Assistant Director | x8-2486 | wcad@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-116 | Office Assistant | x8-2486 | womencenter@asi.sfsu.edu |
Education & Equity | ||||
Adriana Gallardo | T-139 | Sr. Director of Education & Equity | x5-4048 | agallardo@asi.sfsu.edu |
Environmental Resource Center (ERC) | ||||
Student Staff | T-121 | Student Director | x8-2416 | ercdirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-121 | Envir. Outreach and Engagemnt Coordinator | x8-2416 | erceoec@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-121 | Sustainable Initiatives Coordinator | x8-2416 | erc@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-121 | Sol Patch Community Garden Coordinator | x8-2416 | |
Legal Resource Center (LRC) | ||||
Student Staff | M-113A | Director | x8-1140 | lrcdirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-113A | Assistant Director | x8-1595 | lrcad@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | M-113A | Office Asssistant | x8-1595 | lrc@asi.sfsu.edu |
Project Connect | ||||
Sonia Chen | T-139 | Project Connect Coordinator | x5-4048 | soniac@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-139 | Office Assistant - Book Loan | x5-4048 | bookloan@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-139 | Outreach Coordinator | x5-0744 | aspcoutreach@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-139 | Office Assistant - Internship | x5-4048 | aspcinternship@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-139 | Retention Coordinator | x5-4048 | aspcretention@asi.sfsu.edu |
Productions | ||||
Tatianna Ramos | T-115 | Sr. Director of Productions | x8-3399 | ramostatianna@asi.sfsu.edu |
Vacant | T-115 | Special Events Coordinator | x8-1310 | |
Alissa Maggard | T-115 | Productions Coordinator | x5-2953 | amaggard@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-115 | Farmers Market Student Coordinator | x8-1044 | farmersmarket@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-115 | Farmers Market Student Assistant | farmersmarket@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Student Staff | T-115 | Food Pantry Student Manager | x8-2443 | foodpantry@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-115 | Food Pantry Assistant | foodpantry@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Student Staff | T-115 | Administrative Assistant (Office) | x5-2953 | Productionsassistant@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-115 | Administrative Assistant (Media Team) | x5-2953 | asproduction@asi.sfsu.edu |
Depot | ||||
Student Staff | T-124 | Depot Student Director | x8-1310 | thedepotdirector@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-124 | Depot Student Assistant Director | x8-1310 | thedepotad@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-124 | Asst Manager Depot | x8-1310 | thedepot@asi.sfsu.edu |
Games Room | ||||
Student Staff | R & D | Games Room Manager | x8-1836 | gmmanager@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | R & D | Games Room Attendants | x8-1921 | rackncue@asi.sfsu.edu |
Specialized Community Programs | ||||
ECEC | ||||
Erica Almaguer | ECEC | Director | x8-7807 | erica@asi.sfsu.edu |
Lorelei Ballesteros | ECEC | Assistant Director-Preschool Program | x8-3588 | lyb@asi.sfsu.edu |
Tunisia Kemp | ECEC | Assistant Director-Infant/Toddler | x8-3003 | tkemp@asi.sfsu.edu |
Shirley Nhan | ECEC | Office Manager | x8-2403 | shirleyn@asi.sfsu.edu |
Helen Voong | ECEC | Head Teacher | x8-3592 | hvoong@asi.sfsu.edu |
Irma Robles-Gonzalez | ECEC | Head Teacher | irobles@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Jennifer Munos | ECEC | Head Teacher | x8-6737 | jmunos@asi.sfsu.edu |
Irene Camarena | ECEC | Head Teacher | x8-2988 | irenec@asi.sfsu.edu |
Victoria Leahy | ECEC | Head Teacher | x8-3591 | vicki@asi.sfsu.edu |
Doriana Kaestner | ECEC | Head Teacher | x8-3590 | dorianak@asi.sfsu.edu |
Dayna Hubert | ECEC | Head Teacher | daynahubert@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Student Staff | ECEC | Office Assistant | x8-2403 | ecec@asi.sfsu.edu |
Project Rebound & Expansion | ||||
George Turner | T-161 | Director | x5-0954 | gturner@asi.sfsu.edu |
Doris Fendt | T-161 | Counselor - Pre Admission | x5-0954 | dfendt@asi.sfsu.edu |
Breanna Barton-Shaw | T-161 | Records & Reports Coordinator | x5-0954 | bbartonshaw@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-161 | Counselor - Post Admission | x5-0954 | rmartinez@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | Office Coordinator | x5-0954 | projectrebound@asi.sfsu.edu | |
Student Staff | T-161 | College Counseling Student Support Staff | ||
Renewing Communities (Expansion) | ||||
Jason Bell | T-161 | Executive Director of PR | x5-0954 | jbell@asi.sfsu.edu |
Student Staff | T-161 | Regional Assistant Administrator | x5-0954 | rcaa@asi.sfsu.edu |