
University Committees

The Mission

Passionate about an aspect of campus or academic life? Want a seat at the table to represent how policies impact students?

CSU policy
( states that campuses must ensure AS is involved in campus policy development as full participants. AS is responsible for making sure the student voice is represented at all of these committees listed on this page. These committees cover nearly all aspects of university life. If there’s something not covered in an existing committee, AS can advocate for a committee to be made to address the issue.

Get involved! Please email for more info!

*This is an unofficial list that serves to provide a basic overview of university committees. Committee meeting times are subject to change.
* For AS committees, see

Academic Senate Standing Committees

Committee Name Description No. of Student Reps Meeting Times
Academic Policies Committee (APC) Senate standing committee charged with "evaluating...academic policies and plans." 1 undergrad, 1 grad every other Tuesday, 2:10 - 4pm
Curriculum Review & Approval Committee (CRAC) Senate standing committee charged with "ensuring that University programs follow those criteria and procedures developed by the Academic Policies Committee" 2 undergrad, 1 grad every other Tuesday, 2-4pm
Faculty Affaris Committee (FAC) The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) shall study and evaluate existing policies and may initiate recommendations for change in, or for more successful implementation of, such policies. FAC may also initiate policy. Specific concerns include but are not limited to: hiring, retention, tenure and promotion; faculty evaluation; faculty professional development; professional ethics; consultative practices and policies concerning administrative appointments and selection of school/department chairs; affirmative action; equity; and academic freedom. every other Tuesday, 2-4pm
Educational Policies Council (EPC) The Educational Policy Council meets to discuss issues that relate to both academic policy and curriculum review and approval. Members chosen from Academic Policies Committee and CRAC as needed
Strategic Issues Committee (SIC) The Strategic Issues Committee is a Senate Standing Committee that reviews "study and evaluate existing and proposed plans and policies concerning relations within San Francisco State University and between other entities external to the University." 1 undergrad (filled), 1 grad every other Tuesday, 2-4pm
Student Affairs Committee (SAC) The Student Affairs Committee is a Senate Standing Committee that reviews policy specifically related to students. 3 students (1/3 filled) every other Tuesday, 2-4pm
All-University Committee on International Programs (AUCIP) The All-University Committee on International Programs "is responsible for maintaining liasons with...offices or groups that affect, or are affected by, the operation of the University's international programs." 1 student one Wednesday a month, 12-1:30pm
Baccalaureat Requirements Committee, Lower Division (BRC LDCC) The Lower Division Certification Committee's purpose is to "evaluate and recommend lower division courses for meeting university-wide baccalaureate degree requirements." 1 student every other Thursday, 2:10-4pm
Baccalaureat Requirements Committee, Upper Division (BRC UDCC) The Upper Division Certification Committee's purpose is to "to evaluate and recommend upper division courses for meeting university-wide baccalaureate degree requirements...on the basis of how well they fulfill course expectations and student learning outcomes for those requirements." 1 student every other Wednesday, 2:10-4pm
Board of Appeals and Review (BoAR) The Board of Appeals and Review is charged with "reviewing requests for special consideration." What kind of request? 2 students first Monday of every month, 3-5pm priyam
Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) The Enrollment Management Committee purpose is to "...advise the president on all aspects of enrollment management." 1 undergrad, 1 grad 2-3 times per semester (as needed)
Exceptional Assigned Time Awards Committee (EATC) The Exceptional Assigned Time Award's Committee is charged with awarding assigned time to Faculty members who have made exceptional contributions to their students. 1 undergrad, 1 grad as needed priyam
First Year Experience Committee (FYEC) The First Year Experience Committee is charged with "...mak[ing] recommendations to the Academic Senate for the first-year seminar and other first year experience that helps first year students...[and] evaluate implemented first year experience activities and report findings to the Academic Senate" 1 student TBD
Graduate Council (GC) The Graduate Council serves as the "...primary advisory body to the Dean of Graduate Studies and University-wide administrators in the broad areas related to graduate education." 1 grad (FILLED) first and third Thursday of every month, 12:30-2pm
Honarary Degree Committee (HDC) The Honorary Degree Committee provides recommendations to the President on the award of honorary degrees. 1 student as needed
Online Education Committee (OEC) The Online Education Committee is charged with monitoring outside developments in online education, disseminate those efforts to appropriate bodies on campus, help create appropriate policy responses, and proactively guide online education initiatives 1 student second Friday of the month, 9-10:30am
Students, Faculty, and Staff with Disabilities Committee (SFSD) The Students, Faculty, and Staff with Disabilities Committee purpose is to "...initiate efforts designed to improve conditions for students, faculty, and staff with disabilities." 1 student one Thursday a month, 1-2:30pm
University Academic Assessment Advisory Committee (UAcAAC) The University Academic Assessment Advisory Committee "provide[s] a channel for communication, advice, and liaison among Academic Affairs, the Academic Senate, and the faculty on academic assessment." 1 undergrad, 1 grad second Thursday of the month, 1:15-2:15pm
University Committee on Written English Proficiency (UCWEP) The University Committee on Written English Proficiency helps oversee the "formal University program in written English proficiency." 1 undergrad, 1 grad every other Wednesday, 10am-12pm

Administration and Finance Committees

Committee Name Description No. of Student Reps Meeting Times
Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee (ARC) The Audit, Risk and Compliance (ARC) Committee will advise the President by collaborating to identify and manage the full range of risks that the University faces. 1 student
Campus Safety Committee The Campus Safety Committee was established to create a safe and healthy environment for the campus community, and is comprised of reprentatives from across the campus community. 1 student
Lab Safety Committee The Lab Safety Committee was established to create a safe and healthy environment for the campus community, and is comprised of members with laboratory safety management responsibilities. 1 student
Sustainability Committee The Sustainability Committee will assist the University in monitoring its relationship with the environment and in establishing sustainability as a fundamental consideration in meeting the varied and complex needs of our growing campus. 1 student
University Budget Committee (UBC) The UBC is charged with providing the University President with advice and recommendations related to budget policy, planning and review. Committee is comprised of SFSU faculty, staff, administrators and representative from AS. 2 students [1 student for University Chargeback subcommittee] Monday, 4-5pm, 1-2 meetings quarterly

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Committee

Committee Name Description No. of Student Reps Meeting Times
Committee on Basic Needs Initiatives The purpose is to study and explore the challenges experiened by SFSU students with regard to basic needs, including food and housing insecuirty; review and recommend viable programs/ policies/ services to the VP SAEM and President's Cabinet 6 students (?)
Mashouf Wellness Center Advisory Council The Mashouf Wellness Center Advisory Council serves to advise the Campus Recreation Department on the long-term operation of the Mashouf Wellness Center and on the programs housed under Campus Rec. Dir. Recreation, Health and Wellness - Chair; VP FS; President; 3 students at large
President's Gender Equity and Title IX Advisory Board The purpose of this Board is to involve students, staff and faculty, and administration in identifying strategies for ensuring that employees and students knwo how to identify and report Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking, as well as know what remedies are available to victims. 4 students (?)
Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) SFAC is a shared governance body comprised of students, faculty and administrators who review matters related to the establishment and adjustment of student fees at SFSU. 6 students (FILLED)
Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) SHAC serves as a leading voice of SFSU students in advocating for campus health and wellness services. 5 students

University Advancement Committees

Committee Name Description No. of Student Reps Meeting Times
SF State Foundation Board The Board of Directors is composed of members of the SFSU community and the greater SF Bay Area community who are passionately committeed to the continuing good health of public higher educaiotn and SFSU in particular 1 student (appointed by Mahoney) once quarterly (full Board), committee meeting times TBD
University Corporation, Board of Directors The purpose of the Baord of Directors is to oversee and direct the organization's activities and will play a key role in ensuring that the organization is responsive to the needs of hte campus community 3 students (upper-level undergrad or grad; preferably majoring in finance or related major) monthly on Mondays 3-4:30pm