
Queer & Trans Resource Center

In an effort to honor all identities the ancestral legacy of queer activists, communities, and visionaries, San Francisco State University has publicly committed to social justice and community engagement in the form of the Queer Trans Resource Center. This organization ventures to offer services in the form of LGBTQIA+ related events and resources. This center is also an umbrella organization connected to various student programs such as Queer Alliance, Pride Committee, and CEASE/SAFE Place that work together to create a safe space for all students, including those of the LGBTQIA+ community on campus. 

In hopes to recognize that all forms of oppression are intersectionally linked, the Queer Trans Resource Center will also maintain alliances with ethnic, political, religious, and creative communities at San Francisco State University and beyond. The center is open to every and all students who wish to participate in our work to promote inclusion, community and equity of LGBTQIA+ identities, issues, and culture. 

Internship and Volunteer Program Opportunities

 The Queer and Trans Resource Center (QTRC) is always open to enthusiastic, passionate students who are searching for a communi lmk

 ty in which to share their interest in assisting issues affecting LGBTQIAP+ students at San Francisco State University. This internship program is unpaid and semester long, focusing on Queer and Trans events, services, programming, and resources. This internship expands work and community experience while also intending to help the LGBTQIAP+ community at SFSU strengthen their skills through the pursuit of social justice and activism. The Queer & Trans Resource Center offers many individual opportunities alongside the internship program! For more information or questions, email our director at

Queer Your Mind (QYM) is a public and free conference that empowers the use of “Queer” as a tool of pride and unification. This works to link people of all backgrounds in a joint effort to critique and dismantle detrimental and dominant LGBTQ+ politics and begin to realize the radical and full potential of the queer & trans community. The notion of “Queer” employed by the conference includes, but reaches beyond sexual orientation, gender, and the binary in an attempt to liberate LGBTQ+ communities and facilitate a collective queer consciousness.

QYM fosters the concept of queerness that respects, supports, and acknowledges the complex intersectionality of one’s identity via race, ethnicity, gender expressions, religions, socioeconomic statuses, backgrounds, nationalities, languages, abilities, and/or sexual orientations. This vital intersectional space unifies ideas of activism in order to queer both mind and body to affect change in the hetero-homo normative structures overpowering the world.


Each year we host a Lavender Graduation for students of the LGBTQIAP+ community to celebrate both individual and collective accomplishments! Later this year, we’ll include a link in which you can sign up to participate in the Associated Students Queer and Trans Resource Center’s Lavender Graduation Celebration!

We provide free access to our extensive selection of LGBTQIA+ books and DVDs to students and faculty. We also rent our DVD players for your convenience.


Stay updated on LGBTQ+ related events, workshops, and resources through our newsletter, social media platforms, or come by the office in Cesar Chavez Student Center, M-109!

For more information, email us at