ECEC Enrollment
Thank you for your interest in the campus childcare services offered through the Associated Students’ Early Childhood Education Center. We enroll new families from our Center Wait List.
Thank you for your interest in the campus childcare services offered through the Associated Students’ Early Childhood Education Center. We enroll new families from our Center Wait List.
You must be admitted to the University, working towards a degree and enrolled in at least 6 units (undergraduate) or 3 units (graduate).
Please note that The College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) — formerly the College of Extended Learning offers access to SFSU credit and non-credit courses to adults without being admitted to the University. As an ASI program funded in part by the California State Department of Education (CDE) and a federal contract (CCAMPIS), we are required to verify your student status and monitor your academic progress every semester.
The documentation required to meet & maintain eligibility includes:
Those who hold non-student status, such as SFSU faculty or staff, Center alumni, and community members, are welcome to apply and are considered after the prioritized SFSU student population.
As an San Francisco Department of Early Childhood (DEC) Early Learning Scholarships (ELS) funded site, we do accept ELS Vouchers
Enrollment means that a child has been scheduled to attend for the current school year and that the family has attended New Child Orientation and submitted all the necessary paperwork required by licensing. School Year enrollment decisions are based upon the child’s needs and the following priority: (1) available space, (2) admission status, (3) income category and (4) application date. Enrollment usually occurs for the Fall semester, however, we enroll throughout the year from our Wait List if space becomes available.
Prior to the start of each semester (May and November), an Enrollment Request Form (ERF) will be emailed to all ECEC Wait List families using the address indicated on your application. Families must complete and submit the ERF by the required deadline for enrollment eligibility to be determined (SFSU student, SFSU faculty/Staff, ECEC alumni or community family).
Once the deadline has passed and all ERFs are received, the Assistant Directors begin enrolling children into one of our nine classrooms based on each child’s age and development. Once all classrooms are fully enrolled, parents are contacted by the Assistant Director via e-mail to confirm their child’s enrollment schedule.
Enrollment decisions are based on parent status, household income, child’s age, Waitlist date, and space availability. Enrollment is not a first-come, first-served basis as we prioritize enrollment in each classroom, each semester using the following CSU mandated enrollment priorities:
Current enrolled parents,
To request full-time childcare (30 hours per week or more), you must be enrolled in at least 9 units as an undergraduate and 6 units as a graduate. For part-time childcare (under 30 hours per week), you must be taking at least 6 units if you are an undergraduate student and 3 units if you are in a graduate program.
We offer 3 full day enrollment options (7:30am -5:00pm):
All families are eligible to re-enroll their child each year by completing an Enrollment Request Form (ERF). Parents request a schedule that best suits their needs, and every effort is made to accommodate each request. During our open Spring enrollment period, a request for a change of schedule can be made mid-year.
After a child is admitted, the Assistant Director will schedule a New Child orientation meetings at which time State licensing and Center forms are reviewed and completed. After the orientation meeting, the child’s Head Teacher will contact the family for a center visit. Both must be completed before childcare services can be provided.
Prior to your child’s first day, your Head Teacher will call to arrange for a Center visit. The meeting lasts approximately an hour and offers you the opportunity to discuss classroom routines and share information regarding your family needs with your child’s teacher. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions before childcare begins and helps your child’s teacher become acquainted with your family.
If enrolled before the school year begins, you and your family will also be invited to attend an Open House at the Center prior to your child’s first day of school. At this time you will have an opportunity to meet the families enrolled in your child’s classroom as well as all of the staff working at the Center.